Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Camp - Wednesday

Wednesday is hump day we are halfway there.

Today is the time all the new scouts plus Eric, Stephen, Julian, Ryan and Shawn went on their Wilderness Survival merit badge overnight.

The boys get to bring their 10 essentials and only their clothes. They build a shelter for warmth and protection for the night to sleep in the woods near camp. Yes they spend the night all by themselves to know that they can survive. It's a nice night with cloud cover so should be great!

We thought we should share some photos of the parents at camp. Without their help, vacation time from work, patience and humor the week would never have been possible.

Jim our cook,

Chris our good humor man,

Khalil our shepherd of scouts between classes,

Chris our advancement chair and organization chief,

Jim our voice of reason,

Kelly our tireless basecamp leader,

Scott our limo driver,

and Doug our fearless leader.

Thanks parents (Carrie) for sending us a care package of cookies and banana bread. It really makes us feel good.

Now the older boys left in camp get to play CTF (Capture the Flag) with another troop.

What another wonderful day!

YouTube Video

Now we get to be the last troop on the beach with a campfire We always close down the beach those fireside stories, jokes and fun will last forever.

What will be in store for us tomorrow?

Troop and Crew 466
North Bend, WA

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