Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday at Camp Parson

Not much new to report.  Making good progress on merit badges and rank advancement with a few minor bumps in the road.  Thanks for all the great care packages.  We gave them out last night after dinner and the kids really enjoyed them.  Thanks also for the Adult care packages – Cookies, Brownies and licorice hit the spot.  We also have some great banana bread for Friday’s troop breakfast in camp!

It been a great trip, with only minor hiccups.  We had a robust game of capture the flag with one of the other troops for friendship games.  It ended in a stalemate and called due to darkness.

No new photos today, we should get more on Thursday and the full set will get posted when we get back.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Camp Parsons Day 2

More fun with merit badges and troop activities.  For our evening troop activity the entire troop went pier jumping.



We will save the pictures of the adults jumping for later.

In the evening we also got to watch a flag retirement ceremony put on at the main firebowl.  The flag was huge 20’ x 15’ and one of the other troop did the ceremony.  It was very moving and the kids enjoyed it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday at Camp Parsons

First full day is over and everyone is safe and having a great time.  The schedule was filled with merit badge work and rank advancements.  We also had some troop time to for rock climbing, and team building games.

Eric is keeping the troop on track and the Patrol Leaders are doing a great job getting the patrols moving.  Mornings are a little tough getting everyone out of their tents, but we are easing into a good rhythm and the routine is starting the make sense.

In the morning the kids work on Merit Badges.  First Aid and Wilderness Survival are the most popular, next to the trading post where everyone has figured out what treats are available.


In the afternoon, the younger scouts worked on some advancement activities and then we did some rock climbing and troop games as a group.


Food is even pretty decent and so far no complaints.


Sorry for the strange formatting.  I’m still figuring out how to post stuff to the blog.  More pics will get posted once we get back.

Monday, August 15, 2011

First Night at Camp Parsons

Arrived at Camp Parsons at 1pm yesterday, took swim tests and got settled in to camp and had our first meal – BBQ beef which was pretty good.  After dinner, got our beach orientation and the had merit badge signup.  Reminded me of signing up for classes in high school.  A little crazy, but all the kids got signed up for the badges they wanted.  A little down time, then off to the opening campfire and back to the camp site for lights out at 10pm. 


Of course, lights out didn’t mean many scouts went to sleep.  Some got into their tents and talked away for a what seemed to be hours before the camp went quiet, then nobody stirred until morning.   It is clear these guys are excited and ready to have a good time.


We are off to our first breakfast and merit badge classes this morning.  So far, no issues with homesickness and the troop is moving together well as a unit .  Just wanted to get a quick post out and will try and post some pictures posted later.

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