Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Philmont: Arrived in Albuquerque

We’ve arrived!  The troop and crew arrived at our first stop in our Philmont experience – Albuquerque, New Mexico.  After a nice, uneventful ride on Southwest out of SeaTac, we were met by Blue Sky Adventures and took a short bus ride up to our hotel for the night.

Once we arrived, the first order of business was food, and Blue Sky had quite a spread waiting for us. Of course, dinner wouldn’t be dinner if it didn’t come with an all-you-can-eat ice cream machine.  Needless to say, the scouts explored every option at the dinner buffet and didn’t let the ice cream pass without full inspection.


After dinner the scouts and scoutmasters went to the poolside and enjoyed the warm air and cool waters.  Tomorrow is a full day, wake up at 5:30AM and return in the evening. We’ll be hiking a volcano, seeing an IMAX movie, hitting the New Mexico natural history museum and much more.  Tune in for more Philmont trip information as we prepare for a great two weeks in New Mexico!

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