New Scout Trip Day 2
What a day! The boys woke up at 7AM after finishing three games of mafia till 11:45 last night. Mafia wins again. Sure can't wait till they are 14 and sleep in. Breakfast was done and bacon, pop tarts, eggs and Costco cinnamon rolls were fantastic.
Then it was time for a few hours of rank advancement. Almost all of the tenderfoot requirements finished. The adults and older scouts were great teachers. Wow can Scott fold a flag. We finally have a certified honor guard instructor.
Lunch was complete and we headed to the bunkers for capture the flag. Only injuries were old timers who need to run more. Scouts win again.
We spent an hour at the beach learning how to just relax, build forts, throw rocks and prepare for longer hikes on the Olympic Coast in June.
What a motley crew! Thanks Colter for leading the troop. Our 6'4" Senior Patrol Leader.
I think the boys are ready for more beach time. Don't you?
It's burgers on the grill for the Trailblazer Patrol. Spagetti for the Burritto Boys. Then we will try some after dark capture the flag and midnight mafia. Sweet. The new scouts and parents are a great addition to our troop. Better get to the food before it's all done.
Salad, spegetti and Dutch oven desserts for all!